Menu MARIA CRISTINA FINUCCI ARTWORKS TEXT VIDEO BIOGRAPHY PRESS THE GARBAGE PATCH STATE CONTACT Menu MARIA CRISTINA FINUCCI ARTWORKS TEXT VIDEO BIOGRAPHY PRESS CONTACT TEXT Menu L’animo spinge a narrare di forme che in corpi diversi mutano,2024 Transmutation, CYFEST, Yerevan,2023 H2o,Fuorisalone, Milan Design Week ,2023 What About the 8%?, Los Angeles,2023 HELP,Fuorisalone, Milan Design Week,2019 Help the Ocean, Roman Forum,2018 Vortex, Milan EXPO in the city,2016 Climatesaurus, Paris COP 21,2016 Bluemedsaurus, Venice,2015 The First Embassy, MAXXI Museum Rome,2014 The Garbage Patch State at ARCO, Madrid,2014 The Pavillion at the Biennal,Venezia,2013 A New State is Born,Parigi UNESCO,2013 Trueman,2011 Living restraint,2011 Altre vite,2011 Altre occhi,2011 Microworld,2011 Paradigm,2011 Saetta Atomi,2009 Rete,2008 Instagram