Maria Cristina Finucci
Trueman is a video of MCF.. The artist shows some parts of the well knewn film for which she has elaborated a new protocol of comprehension where the images are lacking one of the three spatial dimensions and the sound track has also been manipulated.
Finucci uses film material and has manipulated it to her own necessities. She breaks it into small units that uses in order to form phrases, or to modulating as musical chords as if they were verses where repetition works as meter in a poem.
Following up on a work begun in 2010 in her solo show at the LUCCA MUSEUM which was called Paradiami, in Trueman, Finucci carries on exploring -and pointing out the limits of mental processes that man uses in order to decode his sensory stimuli.
In this last work of hers, Finucci operates with contrasts: the more her starting point is rational and clear, the more her moving and sensory images lead us towards unexplored depths.
We find ourselves facing the mysteries of the universe and viewing of higher realities. The words of the hyperspace philosopher, Charles H. Hinton- that has been a source of inspiration for Finucci- in his Many Dimensions clarifies the way to aknowledge space; through the heart and not the brain.