
 Maria Cristina Finucci 


All that we perceive is nothing more than a multitude of sensory stimuli that our brain elaborates and gives back to us. Tbis restitution is not objective: each period of time has had different paradigms to de-codify reality, whose images are perceivably different and determined by the culture and, in particular by the technology which

is prevalent in that historical period.

We trust our eyes, but what we see is perhaps illusory because it is filtered through our own interpretive systems.

The theory of relativity showed us that multiple perceptions of a single reality are plausible and that there is no absolute truth.

Studies of subatomic particles have identified the existence of a world of at least nine dimensions; however it is impossible to manage to see even the fourth dimension for us. Our brain is accustomed to seeing the world in three dimensions. In the future the paradigm will have to change, to adapt to the new scientific discoveries, as has always occurred throughout world history.

Humanity in the 21st century is already beginning to organize its own methods of spatial decodificatier in order to perceive further dimensions, which now can only be understood by means of mathematical abstractions. Thinking about this made me realize the urgent need for an artistic expression based on codes of perception and

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I therefore conducted my research on multi-dimensional perception, which is at present unavailable to us within the paradigms for seeing the world that our culture has given us, upon the hypothesis of other possible future paradigms.

Despite the scientific premise, mine is not an epistemological research. It is rather a personal reflection, open and filled with controversy, regarding the evolution of the human spirit within the progressive cognitive examination of the world.